About Us
At Northport Philanthropic, we help motivated high-net-worth individuals and families make greater philanthropic impact on the community and societal issues they care most about. We also work with charitable organizations to help them partner more effectively with donors and more fully deliver on their missions.
Our Principal Advisor, Peter Fardy, founded Northport Philanthropic Advisory Services to focus on working with impact-orientated donors and families to guide them through making thoughtful philanthropic gifts that make a difference.

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Peter spent the latter half of his professional career leading advancement and fundraising offices at two Canadian universities. During this time, he and the teams he has led have worked with individuals, families, foundations and corporations who have committed over half a billion dollars to address societal and community issues they care about. He has also served as a director and board chair for many local, regional and national charitable organizations.
Before joining the higher education sector, Peter held increasingly senior corporate roles in the information technology and telecommunications industries, with responsibilities that included corporate development, mergers and acquisitions, general management and marketing.
Peter has been very actively involved as a volunteer in the community. Over the years, he has served as Chair of the United Way of Halifax, Chair of the YMCA of Greater Halifax/Dartmouth, Commodore and Board Chair of the Canadian Canoe Association (now CanoeKayak Canada), Chair of the Nova Scotia Dragon Boat Association, was founder and Chair of the organizing committee for the Halifax Dragon Boat Festival. He has also played active voluntary leadership roles with many other community-based arts, culture, and sport organizations, and is currently Board Chair of Churchill Academy, a school for children with learning disabilities.
Peter is a certified advisor with 21/64, a nonprofit practice founded by the Andrea & Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, providing multigenerational advising, facilitation and training for next generation engagement, especially within family philanthropy and other family enterprises.